The journey begins...

If you have been through something painful and life changing while having difficulty making sense out of what happened, Maya will walk with you on your path to recovery from trauma.
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Bay Area EMDR

Using Attachment Focused EMDR, while encouraging and deepening emotional expression in the context of relationships, Maya will support your healing journey to rediscovering your self and your ability to cultivate joy. Trauma and painful life experiences can offer a profound opportunity to understand ourselves deeply and can teach us how to use that understanding for Post Traumatic Growth. By openly looking at how these wounds inform racial and gender identity within systems of oppression that inhibit our identities and Self expression, we can uncover what will guide us home to ourselves. Take this opportunity to transform your suffering into understanding and heal yourself
Maya Cheek
Trauma Therapy


  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Complex Trauma/PTSD
  • Attachment Issues
  • Cultural and Systemic Oppression
  • Racism


  • Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
  • Emotionally and Somatically Focused Mindfulness
  • Understanding the Self through parts work
  • Ketamine Assisted Therapy
  • Psychedelic Integration support
  • Creative and therapeutic uses of art
  • Harm Reduction
  • Substance Use Counseling and Treatment
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